Thanks so much for your interest in working together. If you would like to book a session please:
- Purchase your package from this packages page here. If you would like to pay via a payment plan please email me at
- You will receive an automated email that contains a link to book a session in my calender.
- I generally offer clinic calls Wednesday to Friday, including Wednesday evenings for people unable to do daytime calls. If there is nothing available, please email me directly and we can do our best to arrange something at an alternative time to meet your needs.
Please note, if you would like to book the ‘Rose package’ (the free package) please email me direct at
Please note, I prefer to work with people in England/Wales/Scotland/Ireland due to the ease of being in the same time zone, the cost of posting medicines and familiarity with plants, supplements, referral networks etc.
Please feel free to email me any questions you have before paying for a package. We can also have a short call in advance to discuss if it’s appropriate for you <3